While you are a patient at Physicians Surgical Hospitals, you, your doctor and the hospital staff form a partnership focused on meeting your healthcare needs. In order for this partnership to be effective, it is important for you to know what to expect of us and what we expect of you. Our shared expectations are expressed in our Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.
You and your family have the right:
- To considerate and respectful care.
- To be well-informed about your illness, possible treatments and likely outcome, and to discuss this information with your physician.
- To consent to our refuse a treatment, as permitted by law. If you refuse a recommended treatment, you will receive other needed and available care.
- To expect that your statements about pain will be believed and that your pain will be managed appropriately.
- To remain free from restraints unless medically or behaviorally necessary to ensure a safe environment of care for you and others.
- To receive care in a safe setting and be free from all forms of abuse or harassment and to be provided protective services as requested or required.
- To ask and be informed of existing business relationships between the hospital, educational institutions and other health care providers or payers which may influence your care or treatment.
- To appoint a health care agent to speak on your behalf if you lose the ability to communicate your wishes regarding possible treatment alternatives and to expect that your advance directive will be followed.
- To auditory and visual privacy to the extent possible, with recognition of your personal dignity.
- To expect that your medical record will be held in the highest confidentiality and that only individuals involved in your care or those monitoring its quality will read it.
- To expect equal medical treatment regardless of race, color, national origin, age, religion, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, gender or economic status.
- To know the identity and professional status of individuals providing care and services, and which physicians or other practitioners are responsible for your care.
- To be told about realistic care alternatives when hospital care is no longer appropriate.
- To consent to or decline to take part in research affecting your care. If you choose not to participate, you will still receive the most effective care the hospital provides.
- To know about hospital rules that affect you and your treatments, as well as information about charges and payment methods.
- To know about and access hospital resources such as social work, pastoral care or the Ethics Committee that can help resolve questions and concerns about your hospital stay and care.
- To file a grievance or a complaint while a patient at this hospital without fear of reprisal.
- To review your medical records and have the information explained, except when restricted by law.
- To assist you in obtaining an interpreter by verbal, written or signed communication, when you do not speak the predominant language of the community.
Patient Responsibilities
- Provide accurate and complete information. This includes complaints or symptoms, past or current illnesses, hospitalization, current medications (to include herbal or alternative treatments), allergy to antibiotics or drugs (e.g., penicillin or barbiturates), pain and previous methods of relief, and other matters relating to your health. This also includes any spiritual, religious, and/or cultural values, as well as lifestyle choices that may affect your treatment.
- Participate actively in decisions about treatments. Let us know if you have questions or concerns about your care. Follow the treatment your doctors and nurses have planned with you. Give the hospital a copy of your Living Will and/or Medical Power of Attorney if you have one.
- Avoid lost time and resources. Keep all scheduled appointments. If you cannot keep an appointment, please cancel it 24 hours in advance, if possible.
- Assist in the management of your pain. Assist your health care team by letting them know when your pain first begins and when treatment provides no relief. Do not hesitate to discuss your pain options and fears with the staff.
- Show respect and consideration. Follow the rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct. Assist in the control of noise and the number of visitors. Honor the dignity, worth and value of other people and respect the property of others and this medical facility. Refrain from smoking within this hospital or on hospital property.
- Safeguard your valuables. Leave valuables at home, if possible. Valuables can be secured for you by the hospital if necessary.
- Provide compliments, complaints and suggestions. Help the hospital provide the best possible care by reporting compliments, complaints or concerns and make recommendations for improvement. If you believe any of your rights have been or may be violated, please let us know so we can assist you as soon as possible.
- Settle financial obligations. Contact the hospital business office for assistance and information or payment of any hospital expenses.
The following Patient Billing Policies are available for your review upon request:
- Billing Discounts
- Itemized Statements
- Interest Charges Applied to Services Not Covered by Insurance
- Billing Complaint Process
- Participating Provider Status